How Affordable Is Custom Software?

If you’re buried under mounds of paperwork, stuck with sluggish management reports which take hours or even days, it’s pretty likely that you can’t afford NOT to be having custom software development for your business.

If it’s been done right, custom software will cover its own costs and then some through significant increases in productivity and, most importantly, huge reductions in job stress. All businesses have their own distinguishing factors. Usually, off-the-shelf software will lack the full variety of features that you require. That, or it’ll have so many features that your employees don’t understand how to use it. That’s why a tailor made, custom software development process will be beneficial. Businesses don’t all work in the same way, in fact the truth is quite the opposite. Specialized products and services require specialized software. It’s as simple as that.

If you’re thinking of opting for custom software, it’s important that you use a company that serves your business effectively. There’s also got to be no licensing costs and you should maintain complete control over the software.

We don’t sell or market any of our software, which includes the software which we develop for you. Our contract will grant you explicit ownership rights to your software and we’ll also relinquish any claims to any copyrights. This will give you peace of mind in the knowledge that your essential trade secrets don’t end up in the hands of your competitor.

Throughout the years, there’s been the odd occasion where a client’s former employee has been in contact with us and they’ve asked to have a program developed for them that’s “like” his or her former employer’s software. In every case where this has sprung up, we’ve immediately refused and contacted the client as quickly as possible in order to inform them of the attempt.

We understand that the development of custom software is a long term, and also confidential commitment for both parties. As your business naturally changes and grows, you’ll want to incorporate greater capabilities and features to your custom software. We want you to feel completely secure that you’re leaving the work to very capable hands.

The length of the development process depends entirely on the nature of the project. It’s easy to jump straight in to simpler, smaller projects and have them completed very quickly. However, projects on a much larger scale will take a much larger amount of time to complete. For such project, a development plan and a phased approach are usually appropriate to keep the project on time and of course, within budget.

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